Art Deco oil painting reproductions
1920 - 1930

Art Deco Paintings

Originating in France, Art Deco developed in a variety of areas, such as visual arts, like painting and sculpture, graphic and product design, as well as architecture. This movement was validated in Paris in the year of 1925 with its first exhibition entitled International Exhibition of Modern Decorative and Industrial Arts. During this same show, the architect Le Corbusier was also showing his interior design work, and with the influence of the Bauhaus, he maintained a rational and pure design. The architect was initially against decorative art and advocated standard style houses, with no luxury – the extreme opposite of Deco art. It is believed he gave the movement’s name in the 1925 exhibit, but the term was only officially used in the 1960’s. Eventually, Le Corbusier gives into the Deco art and becomes one of the biggest names in the movement, as he was attracted by its modern aesthetic....

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  • Prices start at $312.95. The cost depends on factors such as painting size and complexity. Larger paintings generally have higher prices.

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  • We can paint any painting, at any size, to ensure all sizes are available for our users.

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