
The World’s Largest Supplier of Handmade Oil Painting Reproductions, Custom Paintings, & Portraits

Choose 1st Art Gallery for...

  • Turning your photographs into handmade art
  • Limitless size options
  • Best in industry customer care
  • Free art consultations and formal quotes
  • Fast turn-around and fulfillment, shipped globally
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee

Take your most beautiful photographs and convert them into handmade oil paintings on canvas in any size. Fine-tune your photo as much as you wish or painting directly from your original image. As a professional photographer you may wish to offer this service to your clients as well.

Nothing complements a photographer’s portfolio quite like having your best photos wrapped, framed and displayed on canvas for full-sized inspiration. Show your clients how your photos are more than a work of art - they’re also art pieces that can bring any room to life. Go beyond the photo lab, the computer screen and the paper print. Free digital preview proofs emailed to you for approval, pro support from our staff, gallery-quality canvas and a proven ultra-quality painting technique.

Each month we supply dozens of professional wedding photographers custom made portraits for their clients - count on 1st Art Gallery every time for eye-popping results, guaranteed.

Sample photographs turned into paintings